#hdrphotofun – Week 1

#hdrphotofun - Week 1
11 years, 6 months ago 1
Posted in: hashtag
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With the announcement that facebook has begun to allow hashtag functionality, we now have a great way for a larger group of people to collect their ideas or work in one pool. For a while I’ve been wanting to share some of my brackets with my readers to see how they would process my images. This is nothing new in the world of HDR but it’s the first time I’ll be holding such an event on my blog and I’m very excited about it.

Everyone who takes part and posts their image to facebook using the hashtag hdrphoto (#hdrphotofun) and includes my blog address will be published on my wesbite (you may include your website/facebook page). My favourite version will be published on facebook (both my personal page and HDR One), which will include a link to your website/fb page/flickr page.

To those of you who’d prefer to use a site like flickr to publish images, please email me with the link to your image.

The ideal text accompanying your image on facebook or flickr should be as follows –

Photo for #hdrphotofun by Jimmy McIntyre at https://throughstrangelenses.com

Your Name

Your webpage or facebook page or flickr

Please remember to make your image on facebook Public so that I can view it if we are not friends.

The image we’ll be working with this time around is the shot from Valencia’s City of Arts and Sciences at blue hour that you see above. This isn’t an exercise in replicating my shot, but rather of putting your own spin on things.

I’m looking forward to seeing some unique takes on this scene.

If you’re concerned that I may not see your image, find me on facebook here and email me a link to your photo.

Please finish your images by July 2nd.

Image files –





I’m giving you the right to use these images for the sole purposes of this exercise. They cannot be used in any other manner, that includes commercial purposes.

Thanks and have fun!


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